Welcome to

Lattes & Lisanne

Where I am sharing my story through art, creativity, and all the things I love.

After travelling 52 countries, healing my heart and learning more about myself and the world than I knew was possible, I am here to share the recipes of life, food, art and of course, travel!

This year has changed me, going through our IVF journey and struggle with the battles that brings up, it’s time to bring back the joy and passions I love so much, which led me to create this blog, to step into creating art professionally as well as launch a travel business!

I am so passionate about helping you embrace your life to the full, and finding the things that set your heart on fire!

I hope you stick around and find some joy here.

Love Ashlie xx

New On The Blog

Art by Ashlie Lisanne

As an artist, I’m here to create and share magic as I see it through my eyes. Click the link below for all things art, creativity and magic.