Multi-faceted. Messy. Magical.
When I was younger, I was a messy teenager. I was messy in my bedroom, messy in the way I held myself at school, and messy in my mind and emotions. Somewhere along my healing journey, that all changed, and now I find myself permanently trying to find the balance between structure and organisation and my wild, free, creative spirit.
Maybe it’s because my Human Design says I’m a 1/3 Generator, or my astrology says i’m a Capricorn Sun and a Libra Moon.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, actually, I leaned on these for excuses and reasons to be who I am. And while I certainly believe that the very moment and place my soul came on to this Earth matters, I also believe that I’m just a human, having a wonderful experience that I’m meant to navigate.
So maybe it is because of how the stars aligned the moment I was born, or maybe it’s because I am a multi-faceted human being and I get to experience all of it.
When I started this project of creating art, I started with a structured vision of what I would create and when.
First, I’d focus on everything Mediterranean and European, and I started with my grecian inspired archways and my vision of the caves and rocks in Portimao, Portugal. Then I would move to different places I’d been.
But, that structure has changed, because if there is one thing I know to be true, is that art - like life - is not linear.
And if you’re called to create something, you better believe that urge, desire and universal niggle is going to get louder and louder until you create it.
This week I was called to pick up a printed canvas from Kmart and turn it into something - and somewhere - extraordinary.
The Gold Coast.
And more specifically for those of you who have been here, live here or just know it well, the view we get to see from Miami beach.
Taking a preprinted canvas, instead of one of the brand spanking new ones sat waiting for me to use, and turning into into a piece that only exists in my mind seems like a fun new challenge, and one I simply cannot ignore.
And I will tell you the story of why I’m so called to create this another time, today’s lesson isn’t about that.
It’s about giving ourselves permission to create what’s in our hearts even when it doesn’t make sense - especially then.
The best moments I have ever created came when it made no sense.
Like moving to the Gold Coast when I knew no one only to meet the love of my life and change my entire destiny.
Or leaving a 10+ year career and selling everything I own to get a one way ticket to Bali, only to discover a huge journey of healing, laughter and the biggest work I’ve ever done on myself.
The best things are rarely logical. They come from something so much deeper.
The come from within you. it’s your energy, your essence, your inner knowing.
Maybe it’s good old fashioned Gut Instinct.
Whatever it is, trust it, and create the things you’re called to create.
It might just lead you somewhere unexpectedly beautiful.
And wouldn’t that just be wonderful?